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Properties: P14.1 in the role of: E55 Type
This property describes the active participation of an E39 Actor in an E7 Activity. It implies causal or legal responsibility. The P14.1 in the role of property of the property allows the nature of an Actor’s participation to be specified.
Die Klasse E55 Type (E55 Typus) umfasst "
concepts denoted by terms from thesauri and controlled vocabularies used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes. (...) E55 Type is the CRM’s interface to domain specific ontologies and thesauri. These can be represented in the CRM as subclasses of E55 Type, forming hierarchies of terms, i.e. instances of E55 Type linked via P127 has broader  term (has narrower term). Such hierarchies may be extended with additional properties. 

Getty Getty Vocabulary Program ontology (GVP)
